
Welcome to Munching on a Dream! Here I document my exploration of being a human in this world. This blog is my experiment and playground where I love to come back to when I feel the inspiration to share.

My name is Nina de Haan and I live in the Netherlands. I am most interested in sustainability, in how we as humans interact with our environment and how we can do so sustainably. But also in how we relate to ourselves and each other. To create a world in which we can live sustainably, we not only need to look around us, but also inside ourselves. Because what lives in us will impact how we live in the world around us. Plus, I find it all super interesting!

Why the name? – you may ask. Well, the name Munching on a Dream came to me in a hunch when I wanted to start this blog. I liked it and by now we’ve been together for 6+ years. For me the Dream represents having a vision for a better world, while Munching represents both the simple act of chewing food as a part of our daily and earthly lives (and veganism!), as well as being considerate and contemplating important ideas and integrating them. To me the name Munching on a Dream represents being conscious of the world we are creating through our very actions. You may also read my recent article with more explanations of this name, it’s quite a nice tour through my blog too.

In case you’re wondering, my background is in Biology and Environmental Sciences. Mostly, I see myself as a systems thinker. I like to explore systems, whether they be biological, environmental, economical or societal, to find ways in which they can be improved to serve nature and society better, and to communicate about it in pieces of writing.

On this blog I mostly focus on what we can do as consumers to change these (economic & environmental) systems, thereby change the world. But I also write about trends that I see in society and about how we can successfully navigate those.

I’m very open to writing for other platforms as well (in English or Dutch) so if you know of any openings or want to collaborate, please reach out! Generally, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to let me know by writing a reply or sending a message.



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