Category: Other
5 ways to explain the fabulous blog name Munching on a Dream
This blog’s name Munching on a Dream has been with me for over six years and I keep wondering if it isn’t a bit too weird to use. Back then it came to me in a hunch, as a gift from the universe or something, and I accepted it with both arms. Over time I…
Reading guide spring 2021
Hey you, if you’re new to this blog or to me, you may have a hard time finding your way here! I discuss quite big topics and themes and one can easily lose the overview, especially if there isn’t someone to talk you through it. This complexity is exactly my reason for writing in the…
Why I won’t write about the positive effects of kundalini yoga
After my previous writings, I was planning to write about the positive things that I took from practicing kundalini yoga. I have now concluded that I really don’t want to. Here I explain why that is and why I will never speak of the yoga in the same way again. I have already written about…
My observations of kundalini yoga, the yoga of spiritual bypassing
In 2020 I started teaching kundalini yoga and then I quit. It was an interesting ride, but now I had to decide against this practice. This post is dedicated to my experiences and observations of the dark side of kundalini yoga, the yoga of manipulation and spiritual bypassing. The recently exposed dark side The main…
On the community of kundalini yoga
In the beginning of the horrendous year 2020 I started teaching a weekly kundalini yoga class. A few months later I radically quit. What happened? I may call myself naive, but it was not without a backstory. I completed the kundalini yoga teacher training the year before and wanted to grow. Now things took a…
Return to the blogosphere
I hereby announce that I am returning to the blogosphere. My ship Munching on a Dream has been parked for some time, while I was flying with a yoga website and on social media. Those other experiences were just not the same, and I miss this piece of online personal space, of peace and quiet.…
On my path & the kundalini yoga chapter
After my latest burst of inspiration for my blog in November, I have again found other inspirations elsewhere. I drifted away, again. I came back now because I keep having this need to justify and explain my writing behaviour and patterns. This comes forth of my need to live my soul purpose and to justify…
Around the World ~artwork~
This will break the silence: a donut-shaped Earth painted on a tea table by my boyfriend and me! We do believe in a ball-shaped Earth. However there is some sense in the image, since we humans tend to look up from the Earth to the sky and its celestial bodies. It’s an interesting perspective at…